Review List
Updated over a week ago

We don't generally clear the Vendor, Customer, and GL List so often. Many vendors, customers, or accounts might not have been used for long but are still active in the books. This is where this report gives a list of vendors, Customers, and GL Accounts, along with the Last entry date and Balance. This will allow you to make them inactive with one single click.

For example, a vendor named 'Twine Lane' was not used in the last 15 months but is active. In this case, you can select it (along with others) and make it all inactive in one single click.

Review Contact Lists (For Xero)

The purpose of this report is to review the contact list you don't do often. There might be a lot of contacts that are not being used for long. So with this report, you can review and mark such inactive contacts in one click. For Xero clients, this report provides the list of all the contacts with their last entry data and balance.

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