Manage Users
Updated over a week ago

The Manage users option is accessible under the settings page.

Add/Invite a New user

To invite the new user, click on the settings ⚙ icon ➝ go to the Manager Users option ➝ click on Add New User button ➝ Enter the Email address & Name ➝ click on the Invite button.

Once invited, the user will receive an email to accept the invitation and set up the account.

Resend Invitation to user

If the invited user has not received an email to set up the account, you can re-send the invitation from the manage user menu.

Delete an Existing user

To delete the user, go to the Manage Users option ➝ click on the Delete option available under the three dots of the respective user ➝ on the confirmation, the user will be deleted.

User roles

  1. Admin - Admin User Role gets access to all the clients by default, regardless of who adds the client.

  1. Super Admin - Super Admin User Role has all the access as Admin User. This user signed up for Xenett originally and will have the right to cancel Xenett Service (which the admin user can't do).

  2. Staff - All the users other than Super Admin and Admin will remain as Staff users. The staff user will not have the option to access the settings page.

How do you assign roles to users?

Go to the Manage Users option ➝ click on the three dots option against the user you want to provide access ➝ select the Assign Admin Access option.

The user will receive an email about the change in the roles.

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